Don’t let a cold or flu ruin the holiday season

As the holidays approach, many are gearing up for Christmas dinners, holiday shopping and celebrating with family and friends. But with the unpredictable cold and flu season, it’s equally important to add staying healthy to your list.
To help answer your most pressing queries, Dr. Travis Stork, emergency room physician and host of the Emmy Award-winning talk show “The Doctors,” has partnered with Church & Dwight Co., Inc., the maker of Arm & Hammer™ Simply Saline™ nasal mists, on a new online tool called “Congestion Questions,” inviting people to ask questions and get the answers they need, such as these:
Q: Do nasal mists cause the rebound effect?
A: Nasal mists are drug-free and derived from natural ingredients – they contain only salt, sodium bicarbonate and water. They are non-addictive and do not cause any rebound congestion.
Q: I have been experiencing nasal congestion for days. It’s so bad that now I’m unable to blow my nose. How can I find quick relief?
A: Saline irrigation is an excellent way to relieve this sort of nasal congestion. Using either a nasal spray like Arm & Hammer Simply Saline Nasal Relief or a neti-pot ought to help flush out your nasal passages and help loosen your congestion.
Q: I use saline mists and other medications when I need to for my children, but how else can I ease the symptoms of stuffy noses and sore throats?
A: Helping little ones feel better when they are sick is always a priority for parents. How best to help is often dependent on the cause. Some traditional treatments that can help soothe and clear stuffy noses include chicken soup or warm drinks with a little lemon or honey, although you should not give honey to a child less than one year of age. You should also make sure the house is kept at a comfortable temperature and perhaps consider a humidifier if you are in a dry climate. Finally, always make sure your children are staying hydrated and eating well.
Q: Why do I get congested mostly at night?
A: Many people find that their congestion gets worse at night. This may be because when you lie in bed, gravity is no longer playing its part in clearing your nasal passages naturally, so you should try propping your head up with an extra pillow or two to find some relief. You may also want to reduce the allergen levels in your bedroom by keeping pets off your bed and buying hypoallergenic pillows. A saline spray like Arm & Hammer Simply Saline Extra Strength Nighttime Relief with natural eucalyptus can help quickly clear congestion so you can breathe easier and comfortably fall asleep, with no day-after effect.
To submit your own questions and learn more about easing your cold and flu symptoms, visit
(Family Features)