Gifting outside the box

There are many local and international faith-based charities that provide non-traditional gift giving opportunities worthy of our generosity. Here are several unique ways we can reach out to the needy in San Diego and around the world.
Meals for the homeless
Your financial gift can provide food and housing for the homeless in San Diego. Just $33.40 will provide a meal for 20.
Goat and 2 chickens
A gift of a pair of chickens and a goat will provide a steady supply of eggs, milk, and meat to feed children and help families in Africa. It’s a gift that keeps on giving. $100.

Ecological latrine
An ecological latrine from San Diego-based Plant with Purpose offers the gift of health by reducing water pollution and the possibility of water-related illness in third-world countries. This composting latrine takes what would otherwise be waste and transforms it into a valuable source of fertilizer for farms. $300.
Jesus Wells
Often located near a church or Bible college, Gospel for Asia’s Jesus Wells are constructed by local builders and can save an entire village from waterborne illness in India. They also provide opportunities for missionaries to share the love of Jesus with villagers seeking clean water. $1,400.
MP4 players or tablets for pastors
Android tablets or MP4 players containing the Korean Bible, notes, 100 biblical textbooks, 50-80 hymns, and 10 full-length Gospel films will help train underground North Korean pastors. $65 to $150.
Light up Gulu: Grid Power
Restore International, founded by Point Loma Nazarene professor Bob Goff, is in the process of installing power at its Restore Leadership Academy in Uganda, which seeks to counter human rights violations through education.
The $80,000 project will provide more stable electricity access. Donation units are $25, $50, $100, $250, $500.
Train an African teacher
Provide professionally illustrated Bible lessons based on the Old and New Testaments for use in public and private schools in a number of African countries. Teachers are trained to engage students from a variety of cultural backgrounds to help them develop character qualities such as honesty and perseverance. $125.
HIV testing and treatment
You can provide vital tests for children in order to identify and manage HIV; includes antiretroviral treatment, nutritional support and counseling to a child or caregiver affected by AIDS. $50.
Household water filters
Simple to use and maintain, household filters remove harmful pollutants and bacteria like E. coli through a natural process requiring no electricity or chemicals. $100.
Vocational training
Provide widows, single parents and others the skills they need to perform a job or open a small shop. Training available in sewing, carpentry, food service and other productive livelihoods. $120.
Refugee relief
Provide aid to Iraqi and Syrian refugees. Your gift of $20 is enough to provide food and medicine for one refugee child for one month.