Eric Metaxas
Eric Metaxasrefreshedmag2,744
To the Graduates of 2014: Follow Jesus | Eric Metaxas
I was honored, or to use the current cliché, beyond honored, last week to give the baccalaureate address at Liberty…
Eric Metaxasrefreshedmag3,005
Movies with Max: The church steps up and steps out
As many [people know], Chuck Colson’s twenty-three-year-old grandson Max is autistic. A few months ago Max’s mother, Emily, and Patty…
Inspired livingrefreshedmag2,926
The risen Lord’s agents of restoration | Eric Metaxas
What does it mean for us to be people of the resurrection? From the start, the bodily resurrection of Jesus…
Eric Metaxasrefreshedmag3,098
Not sermons but stories: Engaging the culture
If you’ve read The Chronicles of Narnia, you know they are loaded with Christian themes and symbols. That’s why many…