Practically speaking…time for a new car?
Who can resist the tantalizing advertisements that portray a happy family, successful businessman or beautiful couple driving into the sunset…
Refreshed magazine brings home awards
During the annual Evangelical Press Association convention held in early April, Refreshed magazine received six awards for work published during…
On the mark
Rise of the robots
There are so many good things to do in life, along with a never-ending stream of challenges. If, however, technology…
Living faith
The costly work of peacemaking
The world is swirling with issues. Picking up my phone and opening my news app each morning is being met…
Inspired living
A life worth imitating
Do you have a life worth imitating? I was at a gathering of church leaders when I was first challenged…
Positive parenting
3 simple ways to teach kids to pray
Children were a focus of Jesus’ ministry. He used the loaves and fish from a boy to feed the 5,000.…
Culture...Entertainment, Movies, Justice
Kendrick brothers’ ‘War Room’ to spotlight power of prayer
Don’t tell brothers Alex and Stephen Kendrick that a movie about prayer isn’t Hollywood material. After all, they rarely follow…
Living faith
A mother’s love and a drunken driver’s redemption
Troy Hartman was sitting in a jail cell 15 years ago, a devastated young man. A New Year’s Eve party…
Who should choose? Vaccination bill would eliminate parental opt-out option
The moral and ethical questions surrounding vaccinations are not always clear-cut. Supporters maintain they are safe and effective. Opponents counter…
Living faith
Taking shots | Emotions run strong in vaccine debate
Just like any new mom, Mary Miller educated herself on the ABC’s of childbirth and rearing, wading through often conflicting…