Adventurous gospel

Life of Valor offers four distinct programs, the newest being a daily devotional and physical workout. Daily Dose, or D2, is designed to help men build up their spiritual and physical endurance. Participants are encouraged to share their experiences with the Life of Valor team. YouVersion recently featured the first 14 editions for 2016.


Single day men’s conferences

Life of Valor is in the process of developing large conference hall or arena events designed to attract thousands. The first event, scheduled this summer in the Philippines, could draw as many as 14,000 to 20,000.

The conferences are described as high-impact gatherings with fastpaced worship and teaching. The teaching will consist of comedic moments complemented by “TED-style” messages. The events will conclude with music by secular bands made up of Christian believers. The Life of Valor team will also present attendees with ideas for personal applications they can use after the event’s conclusion.

“The people we want there aren’t necessarily the people who would darken the doorstep of a church,” said Life of Valor founder Jeff Bramstedt.

Each conference will have its own name and theme.

“We don’t want the patrons and participants to feel like they are part of a cookie cutter experience that somebody else in another town is experiencing the exact same thing,” he said. “They are all going to be somewhat different.”


Tactical Fatherhood Initiatives

Held in the evening, these gatherings are usually hosted at a church. The Life of Valor website describes them as “not a typical conference type event (speakers, bands, boredom, ‘Jesus is my boyfriend’ music, and hand holding). This is a true man’s event. You will be exposed to real military-style courses that will be tied together at the end of the event. You will have a true sense of purpose and what needs to be done to ensure that your sons and daughters have a father that is a ‘General,’ not lacking in godly tactics and strategy.”

The personal application tips provided for these meetings center on parenting skills and encourage participants to become spiritually aware of what message their actions are conveying.


Warrior Weekend Adventures

Bramstedt and his team of SEALs lead a group of 15 men in an intensive three-day experience. The first day features a Tactical Shoot Course in which guests are trained in shooting and then spend much of the day together on the range learning the basics of handgun and rifle firing through a variety of drills.

Day two is spent learning tactical driving skills such as the pit maneuver. The session includes track driving to put the concepts into practice.

The final session on day three is skydiving under the direction of SEALs and several stunt divers. After the ground-level training, participants will fly to 13,000 feet where they will skydive in tandem with an instructor.

“Through this these guys bond together,” Bramstedt said. “You see guys getting together in one-on-ones and two-on-ones where they are really learning about each other and they start talking about some of the tough stuff men deal with. That has had a massive impact.

Learn more

Related story: Tactical gospel | Former Navy SEAL brings action to men’s ministry

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