Creation museum to host annual festival

SANTEE — The Creation & Earth History Museum will hold its 10th annual Museum Day Family Festival from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sept. 26. The free event will showcase the grand opening of the turtle and tortoise enclosures.
Other featured activities include guest presentations by NASA Astronaut Col. Jeffrey Williams and other science experts, as well as a Kids Zone, a movie screening, and food and vendor concessions.
Williams, a creationist, spent six months aboard the International Space Station in 2006, orbiting the earth more than 2,800 times. He is said to have taken more photographs of the earth than any astronaut in history and is grateful to have had the rare privilege of studying earth from heaven’s perspective.
Other speakers include museum owner Tom Cantor, the CEO and president of Scantibodies Laboratory, Inc., one of the largest privately held bio-tech companies in the world; Dr. Jobe Martin, a former Darwinian evolutionist who now produces the Creation Proclaims DVD series that highlights animals that cannot be explained by traditional evolution; Buddy Davis, a speaker and singer/songwriter for Answers in Genesis who leads the AiG’s popular “Creation Adventure” children’s workshop; Brian Thomas, a science writer and editor at the Institute for Creation Research and author of “Dinosaurs and the Bible”; Eric Hovin, president and founder of the Pensacola-based organization Creation Today; and Dr. Andy McIntosh, a visiting research professor in Thermodynamics and Combustion Theory who authored the book “Genesis for Today.”
The Kids Zone will include rides, bounce houses, games, a petting zoo, science experiments, animal balloon making, face-painting, and live music.
Guests will also be able to view trailers from the Genesis 3D Movie and browse new titles at the onsite bookstore, which will offer sale items and raffle prizes.
Tours of the museum and its many exhibits will be provided, including Dinosaurs and the Bible; The Tabernacle Theatre, Age of the Earth Mineral Cave; Human Anatomy; Fall of Man; Mount St. Helen’s; Days of Creation 1-3: Heavens and Earth; Days of Creation 4: Astronomy, Light, Sun, Moon and Stars; Days of Creation 5-7: Living Creatures and Garden Genesis; Dinosaurs Gardens, Hall of Scholars: Creation and Evolution Debate Since Darwin; Ice Age, Ancient Civilizations Room, Noah’s Ark World-Wide Flood; Grand Canyon Wall and Fossils: Evidence for a Flood; Tabernacle and Age of the Earth.
The museum is located at 10946 Woodside Ave. N.
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