The Journey to the Cross

As we approach Holy Week, we want you to focus on the cross and the empty tomb. Everyday there is a reading that will walk you through a chronology of the daily steps Jesus took on the road to the cross.
This Easter follow His footsteps and let His words penetrate your heart and mind.
Palm Sunday… the Journey to the Cross
In Bethany, near the Mount of Olives, Jesus told the disciples to get Him… MORE »
Monday… the Journey to the Cross
On Monday morning Jesus and the twelve disciples leave Bethany to return to Jerusalem. Along the way, Jesus looks up at a fig tree… MORE »
Tuesday… the Journey to the Cross
This is a day full of contention as the chief priests challenge Jesus’ authority… MORE »
Wednesday… the Journey to the Cross
The Passover is approaching and the chief priests and scribes are plotting ways to put Jesus to death… MORE »
Thursday… the Journey to the Cross
Jesus sends Peter and John to prepare for the Passover meal… MORE »
Friday… the Journey to the Cross
Jesus was betrayed by Judas and arrested by the authorities sometime after Thursday midnight, so on in the early hours of Friday morning the first trial of Jesus is set in motion… MORE »
Saturday… the Journey to the Cross
The chief priests and Pharisees go before Pilate… MORE »
Sunday… the Journey to the Cross
Early on Sunday morning, as the new day was dawning, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went out to see the tomb. Suddenly there was a great earthquake… MORE »