Living faith
Painting the town | Window painter makes colorful Christmas splash
Under the deft hand of Dan Clarkson, proprietor of Dano’s Signs Graphics & Designs, Santa Claus gets a ferocious workout…
Living faith
Radically redeemed | Once abused and broken, Tony Pallotto now rescues teens in trouble
Tony Pallotto knew that his father hated it when they were late for something. Time mattered, even when he was…
Living faith
Bags of blessings | Young teen uses brain tumor experience to bring healing to others
You won’t find words like resection, anesthesiologist, magnetoencephalography and pilocytic astrocytoma on a second-grade spelling test, yet they quickly became…
Gifting outside the box
There are many local and international faith-based charities that provide non-traditional gift giving opportunities worthy of our generosity. Here are…
10 tips for a stress-free holiday season | Carol LeBeau
I love the holidays. Pumpkin pie. Decorating the Christmas tree with my favorite ornaments. Picking out cool, new shirts for…
Living faith
Local teen shows Soles4Souls
In many ways Tiffany Barbera is like any average Southern Californian middle-schooler. She likes skateboarding and dreams of playing volleyball…
Culture...Entertainment, Movies, Justice
‘Little Hope’ explores surprising story behind 2010 church arsons
Forgiving others is one of those biblical commands that sounds wonderful and even easy—until we are put to the test.…
What should we know about Ebola?
The Ebola epidemic has stricken West Africa and is the largest epidemic in history with more than 13,000 cases and…
Responding to Ebola
Even before Americans first became aware of the international Ebola threat festering in Western Africa, Christian relief groups were quietly…
Power Up Principle 11 — Radical Generosity
As I have traveled throughout the world, I have observed that Americans are among the most generous people on the…